We know how important it is to protect your employees when they need it most. That’s why we’ve partnered with Benefit Design Insurance Agencies Ltd. to offer eligible employers an alternative workplace accident insurance plan.
In Ontario, retirement homes and some other employers categorized as Schedule 1 by Application are eligible to opt out of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage in favour of a more affordable private insurance plan.

Workplace Accident Insurance
The Workplace Accident Insurance Plan is a comprehensive alternative to WSIB for retirement homes and other eligible employers, and can offer considerable savings when compared to WSIB premiums. Full-time, part-time, and casual employees are all covered from the first day of employment in the event of a workplace accident. In addition to medical benefits for injury-related expenses, this plan provides valuable income protection for your employees during their recovery.

Disability Case Management
The disability case management program is a key component in the recovery process, offering confidential assistance to your injured employee. Experienced disability case managers maintain on-going communication with your employee throughout their claim. By providing your employee with the support they need during their absence, you help to ensure their successful return to work.