Going It Alone?
We are happy to announce our partnership with Green Shield Canada to provide GSC Health Assist as a new resource for our clients.
A Health Assist LINK plan is a great solution for anyone who is losing access to their existing group benefits coverage due to a change in status, including:
Employees leaving your company.
Over-age dependents finishing school.
Retiring employees.
Normally an employee or dependent child could have trouble maintaining benefits after a status change, but a LINK plan helps you to provide assurance of continued coverage and peace of mind.
With a range of options available, individuals can select the plan that best fits their needs, including prescription drugs, dental, vision, paramedical services like chiropractors, and emergency medical travel protection.
When an individual applies for a LINK plan within 90 days of their group coverage ending, acceptance is guaranteed and there are no medical questions asked. Applying for coverage is simple – check the fine print at the bottom of this page for details.*

Here are a few highlights from GSC Health Assist about the LINK plans:
No waiting period – With all Health Assist plans, coverage starts the first of the month following approval of the application.
Travel coverage – Emergency medical travel benefits and out-of-country assistance are included in all LINK plans.
Benefits for life – Once an application is approved, individuals have coverage as long as they need it, regardless of age or future changes in health (as long as monthly payments are made).
Hassle-free claiming – Most prescription drug, dental, extended health care and vision claims can be processed instantly using the GSC ID card. Other claims can be reimbursed quickly with direct deposit.
Rewards for living well – Change4Life® is a free online portal that’s designed to support and encourage healthy life choices by providing tools, resources and health information tailored to everyone’s specific needs. Earn points for activity that can be used for chances to win great rewards, including gift cards from major retailers.
To find out more or apply for LINK coverage, call Beagle Benefits or click the GSC Health Assist link on our More Resources page.
The Fine Print:
Plans provided by Green Shield Canada (GSC). ® Trademarks of Green Shield Canada. © 2016 Green Shield Canada. All rights reserved.
*You are eligible to apply for LINK coverage and your acceptance is guaranteed, as long as you apply within 90 days of your group coverage end date and GSC receives your initial payment. Any other eligibility requirements? Just easy ones: you must be a resident of Canada, have valid provincial health coverage and be under 80 years of age.